Saluda Baptist Association Annual Meeting
Sunday, October 21, 2018
We will be moving our evening
services to Concord Baptist Church for a night of worship and celebration. This
is not a business meeting, it is a worship experience with great music and
preaching. You do not want to miss this. There is also a Youth Rally with
Rev. Josh Gardner at North Anderson Baptist at 5:00 PM. We are looking for
volunteers who may be able to take some of our youth to that.
4:45 PM Meal ($5
per plate reservation by October 11)
5:15 PM Partners
in Ministry Displays
5:45 PM
Pre-Session Music by Rock of Ages Family Music
6:00 PM Worship
Service and Mission Reports (Speaker: Bill Barker from the Georgia Mission
*Children’s Program & Nursery provided by Concord Baptist
*Children will eat with parents at Concord Baptist
* Youth eat at the youth rally (Children and Youth Meals Are
Free but Reservations Are Required)