The Deacons of our church would like to announce the beginning of the nomination process to fill four vacant positions among our deacon board. In order to serve as a deacon, one must have been a Christian and active member of HPBC for at least two years and show evidence of the qualifications listed below:
- Good reputation (Acts 6:3)
- Full of the Spirit (Acts 6:3)
- Full of wisdom (Acts 6:3)
- Full of faith (Acts 6:5)
- Worthy of respect (1 Tim. 3:8)
- Sincere (1 Tim. 3:8)
- Not indulging in much wine (1 Tim. 3:8)
- Not pursuing dishonest gain (1 Tim. 3:8)
- Holding the deep truths of the faith with clear conscience (1 Tim. 3:9)
- Tested (1 Tim. 3:10)
- Beyond reproach (1 Tim. 3:10)
- Husband of but one wife (1 Tim. 3:12)
- Managing his children and his household well (1 Tim. 3:12)
- Great boldness in the faith (1 Tim. 3:13)
In addition to these qualifications, deacons should be in agreement with the statement of faith of the Church as referenced in the Church Constitution and Bylaws.
An active member of HPBC may nominate individuals to fill the position of deacon, keeping in mind the qualifications noted above. Our deacons will review all of the nominations and present double the names of the positions that need to be filled for a vote to the church. If an elected nominee has not been ordained, there will be a special service set apart for that a later date
All qualified nominees will be presented on a Deacon Election Ballot on
September 1st at the 10:30 AM Worship Service. Please prayerfully consider your nominations.
The last day to turn in nominations is Sunday, July 14th. You may download or fill out a Deacon Nomination Form below to submit your nomination. Paper ballots will be available in Sunday School Rooms and Worship Services, beginning on July 7th. The election of deacons is outlined in Article IV-B of our Church’s Constitution and By-Laws.
A downloadable form can be found HERE