Each Sunday, churches around the globe are filled with God’s children worshiping Him in prayer, song and Bible Study. Missionaries are serving in fields near and far to spread the gospel of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection for the sake of saving those who are lost. With such an evangelistic force being unleashed in our world, why does it seem like we are losing ground? Why does our church attendance not translate into a changed world? The problem lies in the fact that we are not genuine! Let’s be honest, everyone has a degree of hypocrisy. How do we know this? Romans 3:23 states, “for all have sinned and FALL short of the glory of God”. At the core of our being we are jacked up, messed up and flawed. Only through the grace of God have we been forgiven.
Too many times we take that grace for granted. The end result is a body of believers who live no differently than those who are not Christ followers. In today’s culture Jesus is not the only way to salvation, simply one of the many. Believers think that their works will earn them credibility with God when in fact our works are to be a representation of our faith. Christians today are known more for what they are against rather than what they are for. Our world is crying out for believers to live a difference. Stand out and give a reason for the hope they have! The world needs GENUINE Christians. The book of James instructs us in how to have a genuine faith. The process forces us to be honest with ourselves and God. The end result if applied results in believers having a genuine faith. Take the journey with us as we begin our series “Genuine” this Sunday, September 8th.