The temperature outside has begun to cool and God is painting His beautiful tapestry of fall colors. Now that I live in the upstate again, I look forward to driving with Donna through the mountains and foothills to see the beautiful colors of fall. The many shades of brown, yellow and orange take the place of leaves that were once green and full of life. Yes, the leaves are beautiful but they are dying until they finally fall off of the tree only to return next spring. The apostle Paul said,
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come."
2 Corinthians 5:17 [HCSB]
When we accept Christ as our Savior and Lord, our old life dies. The flawed person we once were is buried in our sins and we become not a renovated Christian but a regenerated (Born Again) follower of Christ. We no longer have to live in our old sin and habits because Christ sets us free from them. To see Jesus change people from inside out is a beautiful thing. When people look at us in the many different shades of our faith they see His beauty. To experience that change we must die to our sin and selfish ways and live for Christ alone. We do not loose who we are, but we do become who God created us to be. Chose Christ and live for Him. Let others see the beauty of the change God has made in your life!