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Love Makes A Difference

Did you notice that stores almost immediately stocked their shelves for Valentine’s day right after Christmas?  February is a month marked for love. We make every effort to let those who are special to us know that we care for them.  The Bible teaches that we can love others because Jesus loved us first [1 John 4:19]. Have you taken the time lately to understand the weight of that?  We did nothing to deserve God’s love, yet He extended it anyway.  Though people may not deserve our love, we are called to offer it to them!

God has blessed our church in so many ways in recent days.  We should not be surprised because that is exactly what we have been praying for. For true love and true power our prayers must meet action and our action to sharing God's love with others.  Please pray for our sick, shut in, widowed, lonely and hurting.  This month can be very hard on them. Pray for ways you may be able to express love to them. Also, be purposeful in sharing with others how God loves you and wants to love them.  Ask your waiter/waitress if you can pray for them, stop putting off the conversation God has been prompting you to have with someone or take an extra moment to show those you see every week you love them.  What will make the difference in our life?  A strong love for God and a love for others!  Let us share His love!
In Him,

Pastor James

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