Pastor James begins a series on Samson this Sunday morning (January 5th, 2014). Many define Samson from his moment of weakness with Delilah. How in the world would he ever let her cut off his hair? There are times in our lives when we question, "How did I get here?" or "How could that have happened?" We do not need to be defined by our failures! There are warning signs along the way to protect us if we simply heed them. God has plans to make himself known and He gives us the privilege of representing Him. Take this journey with us over the next few weeks as we find our strength through the study of Samson. Be careful, your greatest strengths can also be your greatest weaknesses.
Pastor James begins a series on Samson this Sunday morning (January 5th, 2014). Many define Samson from his moment of weakness with Delilah. How in the world would he ever let her cut off his hair? There are times in our lives when we question, "How did I get here?" or "How could that have happened?" We do not need to be defined by our failures! There are warning signs along the way to protect us if we simply heed them. God has plans to make himself known and He gives us the privilege of representing Him. Take this journey with us over the next few weeks as we find our strength through the study of Samson. Be careful, your greatest strengths can also be your greatest weaknesses.