Our Mission Action projects for the month of July are:
- Replenishing The Following
- AIM (Anderson Interfaith Ministry)
- Community Food Bank
- Our Church Pantry
- Items that can be used are Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Meats. Also, Paper Towels, Bathroom Tissue, Cereals, Peanut Butter and Jelly.
- Operation Christmas Child: Donating Combs.
Upcoming Project:
Our Mission Action project for the month of August will be school supplies. Many items are on sale in stores now. These items will be used to donate to area children at our Fall Out of Summer Spectacular on Sunday, August 24th.
Items needed are:- Wide Ruled Notebook Paper
- 3x5 Index Cards
- White Copy Paper 8 1/2 x11
- Large & Small Glue Sticks
- Highlighters
- Hand Sanitizer (small bottles)
- Colored Pencils
- Crayons
- Small Student Safety Scissors
- No. 2 Pencils
- Erasers
- Mechanical Pencils
- Composition Notebooks
- Pocket Folders
- Book Bags
Please leave any of these above items in the Bible Study Office directly behind the sanctuary.