Wednesday night, the Homeland Park youth will continue
the “Relationships” study with a study of how people are to live with one
another. In the coming weeks, we will look at relationships with parents and
friends as well as dating and marriage. The discussion has been great thus far
and I hope you’ll join us tomorrow night for our study! We meet in the loft of
the Family Life Center from 6:30-7:30 and the gym opens at 6:00 for anyone
wanting to hang out!
This Sunday evening, September 14, we have a special
Sunday evening service at the church at 6:00! Two guests will be sharing about
the work God is doing in Africa! This will be an encouraging time of worship,
prayer, and fellowship as we learn more about the work God is doing around the
world and how we can serve Him in Homeland Park!
Revival at the Park, our church-wide revival, will be
September 28 – October 1. The services begin at 7:00 each night. The last
night, Wednesday, October 1, is youth night! Miguel Chavis will be sharing God’s
Word with us as Mosaic from Anderson University leads us in worship. Prior to
the youth night service, we will host a pizza dinner in the Family Life Center
at 6:30! We hope that you’ll join us and please be in prayer that revival will
occur in our church and that salvation will spread through Homeland Park!
The Homeland Park youth will join other area churches for
the ENGAGE student rally from November 14-16 at Camp Longridge in Ridgeway,
South Carolina! The cost is $99 and more information is coming soon. Last year,
this retreat was an incredible time to get away to worship God, experience His
creation, and fellowship with other believers! Mark this on your calendar and
be ready for a great weekend!
If you have any questions, please email me at!