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Weekly Youth Update 9/15 - 9/22

Wednesday night, we continue our “Relationships” series by studying how we interact with our parents. The discussions have been a  blessing thus far and we look forward to continuing to grow closer to the Lord as we understand how He wants us to live! Bible study lasts from 6:30-7:30 and the gym doors open at 6:00 for anyone wanting to hang out! We look forward to seeing you there!

Revival at the Park, our church-wide revival, will be September 28 – October 1. The services begin at 7:00 each night. The last night, Wednesday, October 1, is youth night! Miguel Chavis will be sharing God’s Word with us as Mosaic from Anderson University leads us in worship. Prior to the youth night service, we will host a pizza dinner in the Family Life Center at 6:30! We hope that you’ll join us and please be in prayer that revival will occur in our church and that salvation will spread through Homeland Park!

The Homeland Park youth will join other area churches for the ENGAGE student rally from November 14-16 at Camp Longridge in Ridgeway, South Carolina! The cost is $99 and to be able to attend the trip, students must attend 50% of the Wednesday nights between now and November 12. A $30, non-refundable deposit is due October 15. If you have any questions, please email me at!

Look forward to seeing you this week!


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