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Thank You Notes and Special Gifts for January 2015


Thank you so much for the support and love you continually bestow upon Donna and I. Your cards, gifts and encouragement during this season mean the world to us. We thank God for Him sending us to this wonderful congregation.  Please know that you all are appreciated and loved.

Love in Christ, Pastor James

Thank you so much to Pastor James and each one of you for all of your concern, visits, cards, calls and most of all your prayers during my recent surgery and hospital stay. It means so much to be a part of such a wonderful and caring church. Please continue to keep me in your prayers as I recover. Merry Christmas and God’s Blessings on each one of you!

Sincerely, Harold Sanders 

We would like to thank the church family for everything you did in the loss of our loved one. We want to thank Pastor James for his visits and prayers, also Dr. Wayne. Thanks for all the food that was furnished. Most of all thanks for your prayers.

Oliver Selman Family 



In Memory of Maude David & Julian David
  By Catherine Dean
In Memory of Oliver Selman
  By Stan Watts Bible Study Class
In Memory of Oliver Selman
  By Marian Keys
In Memory of Stan Watts
  By Odell & Shirley Williams

Lottie Moon

In Memory of Our Deceased Members
In Honor of Jimmie Faye Crocker & Our Shut-ins
  By Good Neighbor Bible Study Class
In Memory of our Loved Ones and Friends
  By Newt & Sherry Partain
In Memory of Effie Lee
  By Marian Keys
In Memory of Effie Lee
  By Johnny & Janiece White
In Memory of Oliver Selman
  By Betty Sanders & Tammy Sanders
In Memory of Joe Tate & Oliver Selman
  By Pauline Tate
In Memory of Joe Tate & In Honor of Jesus’ Birthday
  By Pauline Tate 

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