This Sunday we recognize as a nation the “Sanctity of Human Life” Day. Many may think this is a Southern Baptist thing or church thing. Actually, it began by President Ronald Reagan designating on January 16, 1984 that January 22, 1984 would be known as “National Sanctity of Human Life Day”. He did this in response to the Supreme Court’s decision eleven years previously to allow abortions to be legal in the Roe vs Wade case. Since then some presidents have recognized this proclamation and others have not. However, other institutions like the Southern Baptist Convention and churches like ours continue to recognize this proclamation.
The “Sanctity of Life” extends from the womb to the grave. If we do not see life as precious then it affects the way we treat our unborn, children, adults and elderly. We must hold to the fact that life began from the moment God created us and breathed life into us..
Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.
[Genesis 2:7]
Remember today that life is precious to God. You are precious to God. Pray for the mommies and daddies that are struggling with the decision of keeping or terminating their pregnancy. Pray for the sons and daughters that are making decisions on the care of their elderly family members. Finally, remember those who have went through with abortions and are suffering the regret that comes with that decision. Every life matters! Your Life Matters!
Celebrate Life Today!