[Ephesians 3:20]
Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us.
Dear Church,
I have been so encouraged to see God working through the lives of our members. I cannot thank our congregation enough for making our “Fall Out of Summer Spectacular” go so smoothly. It was refreshing to see many new faces from the community bring their children to the event. School supplies were given to over fifty children that needed them and most importantly, each one heard the gospel presentation.
He Came To Earth
He Died For Our Sins
He Rose from The Grave
He Ascended Into Heaven
He Is Coming Back For Us
Giving a child school supplies will help them this year, but sharing Jesus with them can change their life. With another month comes greater opportunities. Do not grow faint or be subject to a “little” faith. Know that God is able and He will give you the power and strength to overcome any obstacle you may be dealing with today. You are loved and appreciated.
In Him,
Pastor James