This week, the youth will meet for Bible study in the Loft
on Wednesday night, from 6:30-7:30 in the Family Life Center! Last week, we had
a wonderful discussion and study in Psalm 24 learning of God’s sovereign rule,
His holiness, and His Son’s victory to redeem us in our unholy state. We pray our
study this week in Galatians 1:11-17 is just as wonderful as week seek to understand
the life change which comes from the Gospel. Before Bible study, you can hang
out with us starting at 6:00 in the gym of the Family Life Center. We are
excited to see you there!
In the coming weeks, we’ll be completing our fall semester
schedule. In the meantime, circle August 22-23 on your calendar. On Sunday
afternoon, August 23, we will host our Fall Out of Summer Spectacular at the
church! This is our biggest yearly outreach and has led to deep relationships
in our community. On Saturday, August 22, we will go through the community
letting people know of the outreach.
If you have any questions about the youth ministry, please
email me at