This week, the Homeland Park Youth will be having our
meeting time Wednesday Night from 6:30-7:30! We’ll be closing out of summer
with one final game night, Wednesday Night! We’ve had a great summer of
fellowship with other churches, great Bible studies, and fun in deepening our
relationships with one another through things like Six Flags and Cola Wars! See you Wednesday night in the Loft!
On August 23, Homeland Park Baptist Church will be hosting
our annual Fall Out of Summer Spectacular! This community block party has been
a big success the past two years as many of the youth in our church became
involved as a result of this event. We’ll need your help getting the final
plans in place. This Sunday, August 16, we will have an “All-In” meeting to
prepare our hearts and minds for action. Next Saturday, August 22, we will go
through Homeland Park passing out flyers and meeting residents to let them of the
event and our church. We look forward to seeing you there!
With the fall schedule coming closer and closer to being
done, we are excited to announce again the Clemson football trip the youth will
take on Saturday, September 5! Come join us as we watch Clemson take on Wofford
to open the season in Death Valley! Tickets are limited, first come-first
serve, and are $10 each. In order to reserve a ticket, please pick up a trip
packet from me and return the medical release and permission forms by
Wednesday, August 26. We will have a brief parent-student meeting at 5:30 pm,
Wednesday, September 2, for those attending.
Again, we are excited about what God did this past summer
and we look forward to the fall together, worshipping Him! If you have any questions,
please email me at