Dear church family,
I can remember praying together for God to make our church relevant in our community. I shared the question with you that keeps me up at night. “If our church were to shut its doors today, would anyone in the community notice?” Our church has a long tradition of being at the center of our community but a lot that has been mentioned about it is of the glory days of the past. It warms my heart to say we are still making in-roads into our community. Every event, every outreach, every worship service and every prayer meeting reinforces our commitment to God, each other and our community.
It is great to see visitors feel welcome enough to come back and community members seeing our church as a light in our community. We are not going anywhere! We are going to minister where God has planted us and pray for God to bring others to help with the harvest. Our church is the body of Christ and we need every part. Thank you for your love, devotion and service. May we continue to take the gospel to our community and world.
In Him,
Pastor James